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3-FAQ of Sorts

January 13, 2023

Dear Valued-Reader,

I’ve been asked lots about the work here over the years, and it occurred to me I should answer the questions that appear with the most frequency.

Most importantly, Unkewl Sound operates on trust.

Unkewl Sound has worked with best-selling recording artists, Grammy-nominated acts, international DIY creators, and musicians around Memphis living-the-life; details don’t matter, except we share those contributions.

With music, I’ve found our best success in “record post-production” — that is sweetening your recording, or aligning it’s chakras or baptizing it in the water. 

Some of it is fun creatively, but it’s based on old-fashioned measurable subjective results, including detailed notes on what changes were made and why.

Typically, I’m sent a song (or collection songs) as a file or files to be mixed and/or mastered, but it is helpful to meet in the recording studio together.

Mixing is the separate sounds and individual elements moving in dramatic fashion together to bring an emotionally-satisfying balance (or lack of balance) appropriate to the song.

Mastering is then looking at the final recording as one thing and making overall adjustments with regard to best final presentation — including s0-called translation, considering the context of listener playback.

There might be additional production. Maybe a sound file needs an issue addressed, or a certain effect/method might enhance the feeling in sections or the entire song; this could include genre or reference-song specific approaches.

Understanding technical options allow for memorable solutions, like everytime.

In my experience, creative-professional relationships like this allow remarkable levels of intuitive service and success.

Let me know if you suspect I could help with your recording(s) here; we’re all in the game of increasing the likelihood of something good happening.

All best,

Jay Particular
Music Enthusiast & Producer
Unkewl Sound