“It’s a love song… an internal chant, an invitation to the deepest parts of myself. And this inner voice evokes a kind of initiation into a realm of more authentic expression.” —RØA

3m, 48s (2024) — RØA’s wind-bound first single is sure to delight all ages; where at first you were afraid — now you are “Comfortable,” including Chicag0-based IAMAURIN on background vocals, Thomas “Tom” Lamm on drums and bassist, recording engineer and co-producer Dane Giardano.

Buy on Bandcamp; streaming everywhere.

RØA social media:

RØA was chosen by peers to represent Memphis music globally — along with access to additional administrative and creative resources; RØA is one of the youngest Memphis artists to receive the ambassadorship.

For RØA bookings or inquiries contact <hello@unkewl.com>, phone or text <(901) 310-3123>, or mail: Unkewl Recordings / PO Box 17735, Memphis, TN USA / 38119.